Sunday, August 19, 2012

When it Rains it Pours...

I get a warm, fuzzy feeling inside on rainy days. I love everything about the rain....the sights, the smells, the sounds. And I especially love a rainy day when I have no place to be. Normally, I would just cuddle up on the couch with the kiddos, a cup of coffee, a good movie, and just enjoy the coziness of it all. Not yesterday! As I was feeding Deacon his dinner and watching the rain beat down on the back porch, all I could think about was what it was like being a kid on a rainy day and how we used to run down our dirt/gravel driveway splashing through mud puddles, diving in the ditches, and swimming through the culverts like they were some kind of water park attraction.  Yes, we were some country folk, but those were the days!

So I asked my kids if they wanted to go play in the rain, and they couldn't quite comprehend the question. They asked if they needed swimsuits, and when I told them no, they ran to their rooms frantically searching for raincoats, boots, umbrellas, and any other rain gear that they could think of.  I tried to explain to them that all of that completely defeated the purpose, and they needed to hurry up and get their little rear-ends out there before it started lightening, or I changed my mind!  

They were a little apprehensive at first...

But quickly got caught up in the moment...

I even took the little D-Man for a sprint through the sprinkles, and then we sat and watched as Bubba and Sissy had a grand ole' time! Ah, but to be a kid again!

And then there was today.

You know, normally Satan likes attack us on Sunday mornings as we are on our way to church...that's usually when we have our best arguments. However, today he decided to hit us up afterwards. I was actually in a really good mood and had thoroughly enjoyed the sermon that Bro. Rocky had just preached. But, it was just one of those lovely hormonal/emotional days where it didn't take much to cause me to do a swift 180 and be completely provoked to anger. Who knew a simple decision like where to eat lunch could result in tears? Turns out that my desire to eat a quick, light lunch at Subway was disregarded because of my carnivorous husband's need for something more hearty. This resulted in an hour-long drive through Shreveport, a nice little argument, take-out from two different restaurants, and a very quiet meal at home.  Ridiculous? Yes. But it happened!

I was thrilled that I had plans to go hang out with some girlfriends by the pool, and I could not get out of the house fast enough! I forgot what it felt like to go to the pool without a beach bag fully-loaded with floaties, goggles, sunscreen, etc. and to just layout and have adult conversation without having to worry about keeping one eye on each kid at all times. It was fabulous! It just didn't last nearly as long as I would have liked for it to.

I rode back to church with a friend, and Dustin met me there in my car. It only took a few minor incidents, sitting next to four restless children and not being able to hear a word of what I'm pretty sure was a really good sermon, plus some unresolved feelings towards my husband to put me back into my "wonderful" mood.  I just wanted to grab a quick dinner and go home as soon as it was over. No such luck.

The icing on the cake...

We get to the car, and Dustin could not find the keys. I'm frustrated, but I'm thinking he will go back in, back-track, find them, and we can get this show on the road. However, a search party and an hour later...still no keys!

Needless to say, my car is still sitting in the church parking lot. We hitched a ride home with my parents, and thank the Lord they had a key to my house. I do not even own a spare set of keys, so I guess I will remain without a vehicle until we get this one figured out.

Of course, then I come home, take a breath, sit down at the computer, and this plaque that I bought the other day is staring me in the face.

So that is what I am going to try to do....think good, pure happy thoughts! I'm going to go to bed and forget about all of the petty things that got under my skin today.  They were legit feelings, but they were intensified by an extreme case of PMS!  I'm also going to pray that someone picked my keys up by accident, looks at the big leopard key chain that says Andrea, and calls me tomorrow to tell me that they have them.

When I bought this plaque, I saw another one I really liked too that said, "Happiness is an inside job".  After today, Momma's got some work to do!


  1. I vividly recall those rainy days of slipping & sliding through the mud puddles...I was the one doing the laundry!! I also recall the circumstances that can rob you of your joy if you let them. Sad to say...that still happens, even when your kids are grown. I am so thankful for grace & MERCY that allows us to rise up the next morning & say "this is the day that the Lord has made and I WILL rejoice & be glad in it!!!" I love you my precious daughter!!

    1. Ha! Luckily they didn't really venture off the porch, so the laundry wasn't bad! :) Thanks for that, by the way! I love you too!
