Even though it is the most wonderful time of the year, it's also the busiest...which is why I am waaayy behind on my blog posts. So let me rewind a bit and give you a glimpse of what we have been up to...
Let's rewind to the Buddy Walk, which I said I would write about and never have. It was an incredible day with friends and family. I am so grateful for "Team Deacon" and all of the love and support that we received.

And then there was Halloween, which I celebrated with my Super Handsome Ninja/Karate Kid, my Beautiful Butterfly, and the Cutest Little Fish ever!

(Disclaimer: This is the only time you will ever catch me kissing a fish!)
Next, my Big Boy turned one. This was a very emotional event for me, considering how much my life has changed in that one amazing year. And I mean the good kind of change. Around here, we don't just have birthdays, we have birthday weeks, so we had a home celebration on the day of Deacon's birthday, and then a bigger one the weekend after.
Special thanks to my mom for all of her help with planning and to my friend, Sierra, for making Deacon's birthday shirt.
And then there was Thanksgiving, which was also an emotional time for my family this year. For as long as I can remember, we have gone to Memie's house for Thanksgiving...spending time with family that we don't get to see often, feasting on her delicious homemade dressing and potato salad followed by dad's banana pudding, betting in football pools, and then when we are so full that we feel like we are about to explode, we pile on Memie's bed with a stack of sale papers and map out our Black Friday purchases. Over the years, the crowd has gotten smaller, and we have lost some very special loved ones, but the tradition has still been the same. But this year, Memie had just finished her treatment, and her Doctors advised that she not be around children for several more weeks, so things were different.
We spent the first part of the day with the Tharpe clan at Dustin's parents. His aunts enjoyed introducing Deacon to his first bites of turkey and dressing, which he thoroughly enjoyed.
Then we spent the evening at my parents' house.
My Mom and Dad live across the street from my Grandma. The adults took turns going over to visit her, but it was killing us to know that we were all having a good time visiting and she was sitting over there by herself, unable to spend the holidays with all of her family and especially her great grandbabies. It had been over a month since she had been able to see the kids, and we couldn't stand it....we decided to be rebels and break the rules. We bundled up the babies, took a stroll across the street, and busted out in the first caroling session of the season with "We Wish You a Merry Christmas." It meant so much to her and to us. Turns out, she was sitting there contemplating coming over to Mom's knowing that she shouldn't. She said that she had actually stopped and was praying about it when she got a knock on the door. Best rule I ever broke. :)
Around here, Christmas begins way before Thanksgiving. I couldn't stand it, our tree went up on November 7th. And Tree Trimming Day is a big event at our house...one that requires hot chocolate with whipped cream and sprinkles, Christmas music, and a Christmas movie playing in the background. One of my favorite things about our tree is that it is full of ornaments from our past and present, and each year we get to relive so many different memories with each ornament that we put on the tree...from the paper angel that I made in the first grade to the snowman fingerprint one that Noah made for me last year, each one has a special meaning. The kids love going through each one and saying, "Oh, remember this one...". I love Tree Trimming Day!!!
And from there, we have been soaking in the season...enjoying all of our favorite Christmas traditions old and new. I will post more on that later, right now, I have to go, because I have some serious business to take care of...there is little girl waiting on me to paint her nails red and green.
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